Monday, September 3, 2007

Photography HW

Today I went downtown to do my photography HW. It was so weird because I forgot that because of Labor Day most things would be closed, and there were hardly any people downtown. It was really quiet and nice.

I got some really cool pictures too. My top three favorites have to be the one of the climbing flowers by the staircase outside Los Reyes, the shot of the alleyway, and this one picture I got of a barred opened window with a crow sitting on the top of the lightpost that was just beside it.
Don't know why I think it's so cool. It just is.

All my homework is done now though. I should watch Conquerer of Shamballa or something. I dowloaded it last night because I'm too cheap to pay $30 something for it. I also got a few good music videos. Yes...they do include Tyson Ritter.