Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Sitting in Photography

I'm finding Photography rather pointless at the moment. I can't do anything here. All the discs for the Photoshop are missing from the books, and I'm like no lesson 11 or 12 anyways which is about four lessons farther than I need to be. So I'm just going to sit here for the third class, bored out of my mind. Holland gave me the next to volumes of Decendants of Darkness. I could just read those I guess. I really should have brought my book report book because I need to finish reading that so I can write the book report (even though I'm not sure how I'm supposed to write the book report). This weekend I'm apparently going to the Black Out Dance. Only because Holland is having a sleep over for her birthday afterwards so it's easiest to just go to the dance and then straight to her house afterwards. So I won't have time this weekend to get the report finished. I hope I don't get a ton of homework this weekend. That would really suck cause then I'm going to be all stressed out trying to get all my work done once I get home from Holland's party.

I'm insanely hungry. And all I have for lunch is Doritos. I'll have to beg food off of people.
I'm going to go to the stop and rob after school to get something to eat first before I go to anime club. I have very little money so I'm not sure what I'll be able to buy. Well...I'm now going to go see how long I can sleep before Ms. Rodriguez asks me why I'm not doing anything.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Photography HW

Today I went downtown to do my photography HW. It was so weird because I forgot that because of Labor Day most things would be closed, and there were hardly any people downtown. It was really quiet and nice.

I got some really cool pictures too. My top three favorites have to be the one of the climbing flowers by the staircase outside Los Reyes, the shot of the alleyway, and this one picture I got of a barred opened window with a crow sitting on the top of the lightpost that was just beside it.
Don't know why I think it's so cool. It just is.

All my homework is done now though. I should watch Conquerer of Shamballa or something. I dowloaded it last night because I'm too cheap to pay $30 something for it. I also got a few good music videos. Yes...they do include Tyson Ritter.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Pix Place

I have to say, Verizon annoys the crap out of me a large part of the time. Last night, when I was at the All-American Rejects concert, I got some awesome pictures on my phone. The problem is I have no idea how I get the pictures onto my computer. I can't email them to myself because my phone doesn't have anything like that. I'm supposed to be able to send them to Pix Place which is the free service Verizon gives you to send your pictures to, but, even though I use to do that all the time, the Pix Place site has like completely vanished. It pisses me off. I go online and I ask around, "How do you get to Pix Place. Everybody gives the same link, and all it does is take you to the Verizon website where you can log in but there is no way to access the pictures you sent after that. It's so effing irritating. I need to go check around and see if I can't find a link to it or a way to it again. Cause I really really really want to the pictures off of my phone.

(p.s. on another note, I had a really awesome dream where I got to kiss the lead singer (Tyson) of the All-American Rejects....he is effing fine.)